God Is Love

Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.” 1 John 4:8 (NIV)

The definition of love is . . . . God.  God is love.  That is what His Word says.

But . . . what kind of love is that? It’s the kind of love that means ~ look at God and you will begin to know what real, true love is.

Is it the kind of ‘love’ that the world knows? No . . not exactly. Dictionary.com defines love as a “profound tender, passionate affection for another person; a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child or friend”.

Does God have passionate affection for us? Yes He does . . but this kind of love is all about feelings . . . and feelings change.  But God’s passionate affection for us do NOT change . . because He does NOT change.

His love is a holy love.  His love is a perfect love. His love is a just love. His love is a self-less love . . . its a love that we can’t even begin to fathom how deep and passionate it is for us.

To understand love we must look deeply into God ~ His faithfulness, His patience, His grace, His . . . . (fill in the blank yourself)

My prayer is that as we look at the many facets of God this month, we will begin to be consumed with Him. And when we see Him . . . we will see and know Love. They will be one in the same to us.

Let God . .  Love . . . radically transform you. If your life is filled with chaos and trials abound in your world, take time this month to fix your eyes on Love . . on God . . . for God is Love.

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